We offer 3 different types of video services:
Full production is everything your need from pre-production, filming, editing, and final export of your film for sharing online.
Edit only is a budget friendly process where we work with the phone camera content you, the client, has captured — photos, video, documents. We work with you on how to capture content with your phone through tutorials and how to upload content to us. Perfect for non-profits and start-up companies to get their story out there without committing to a full production budget.
We also offer video capture in 3D 180 for immersive storytelling using a Virtual Reality headset for viewing. This is perfect for future-proofing your story with the latest technology and stay ahead of the creative curve.
3D Immersive Videos in VR
View Immersive Videos in 2D 180 on YouTube clicking on the photos below (will open in new page)
For Best Viewing Experience view in 3D Virtual Reality on YouTubeVR (Put on headset and open YouTube VR. Search for title and Lars Wanberg)
A River Meditation
The Simple Joy of Living
Food as Medicine
Standing with Horses